June 20
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YEREVAN.- If US President Barack Obama wants to ensure his long-term legitimacy, the Armenian Genocide recognition is the matter in whose case he must fulfill his promise.  

Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) scholar Adam Sacks told the aforesaid to Armenian, and added that otherwise, this will be yet another promise which Obama gave but did not fulfill. 

Sacks recalled the President Obama had pledged to make a statement in which he will recognize the 1915 massacres as genocide.

To the query on whether the US President might recognize the Genocide this year; that is, on the threshold of its centennial, the American analyst responded:     

“This is a very good chance for him to use the term ‘genocide.’ I know that the US population still has such hopes. Obama will be President still for one or two years; that is, it’s still possible.

“It is noteworthy that the previous [US] presidents have used the word ‘genocide’ without a formal declaration by the Congress. In this respect, it is quite bizarre that Obama still has not pronounced this word.”

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