June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – Armenia’s Yerkrapah (Defender of the Land) Volunteer Union (YVU) Board Chairman, General Manvel Grigoryan is happy with results of the Armenian, Russian, and Azerbaijani presidents’ recent trilateral meeting in Sochi, Russia.

Grigoryan told the aforementioned to reporters on Tuesday, after the signing of the memorandum of cooperation between YVU—a non-governmental group that comprises Nagorno-Karabakh War veterans—and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Armenia.

“I knew our [incumbent Armenian] President [Serzh Sargsyan] not from Sochi, but rather from 25 years ago. I’ve understood that he’s a great man, he’s a patriot. I’ve felt a greater confidence.

“I became so proud that all Armenians from different regions, different countries were speaking with satisfaction about our President,” General Grigoryan noted, in particular.

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