June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – The Minister of Education and Science of Armenia, Armen Ashotyan, on Saturday recapped the passing year.

In the minister’s words, the five major projects that were implemented in Armenia this year are as follows:

1) An unprecedented social assistance package to the university students.

2) Introduction of innovative programs.

3) Starting of a new public education program.

4) Adoption of the new edition of the Law on Public Education, pursuant to which it is petitioned to switch to totally inclusive education.

5) Results of the international schoolchildren’s olympiads.

Ashotyan also informed that the three-year Chess study subject program introduction was completed this year.

“Also, the number of inclusive schools [in Armenia] was increased this year,” the minister added.

As per Armen Ashotyan, the Ministry of Education and Science also focused on providing non-tuition enrollment to technical schools and colleges.

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