June 20
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In his article “To hold a mirror in front of Azeris face,” Cazim Gurbuz, the journalist of the Turkish newspaper Kocaeli, told about a Facebook conversation between him and an Azeri named Elnur Zeynalturk.   

The Turkish journalist mentioned that the Azeri began to criticize Turkey and praise Azerbaijan, after which they had the following conversation:

Turkish journalist: Mr. Elnur, stop telling me about Turkey’s problems. We know about them. I can also easily speak of the anti-democratic atmosphere and duplicity of Azerbaijan.

Elnur Zeynalturk: For a moment I just feel sad about the crisis in Turkey, whereas in Azerbaijan the author of the anti-democracy and duplicity was the opposition – the Russian slave, which we buried a few days ago in the ballot-box.

Turkish journalist: The anti-democratic atmosphere in Azerbaijan results exactly from the current regime. Your country has no NGOs, no free press, no trade unions and free universities, the law being exercised at the wish of Aliyev. What kind of opposition are you talking about, bro? The democracy and freedoms disappeared together with Elchibey…A bunch of ‘hungry’ Armenians are playing cat and mouse with Azerbaijan.

Elnur Zeynalturk: Mr. Cazim, why are you saying that? Ilham Aliyev ensured democracy the day after taking the office. I want to say that Aliyev is the founder of ‘the Turkish Republic’ of Azerbaijan and is equal to your Ataturk. You haven’t heard about the strike in Azerbaijan, since Aliyev is not a thief like the Turk’s enemy Jew Erdogan, and there’s economic equity in the country.  

Turkish journalist: Elnur, what have you said? Who’s Aliyev to be equal with Ataturk? What has Aliyev done? Ataturk waged wars on 7 fronts, saved the country and established a republic. And what is Aliyev capable of besides intrigues?

At the end of the dialogue the Turkish journalist mentioned: “Elnur doesn’t know I love Azerbaijan. He also doesn’t know what democracy is and how to behave. It’s necessary to give them a shake and hold a mirror in front of their faces…I did a bit of that.”

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