June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – In the long term, Armenia should return to European integration.

The secretary of Armenia’s opposition Heritage Party National Assembly Faction, Tevan Poghosyan, said the aforementioned at a press conference on Saturday.

In his words, Armenia must change its working style and mentality.

“Is the [country’s] state system ready for these changes, regardless whether or not there will be monetary support from the EU [i.e. the European Union]?” Poghosyan asked. “If [it is] not [ready], the EU would prefer to work with the other three countries (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova), which have signed the EU Association Agreement.”

In the opposition MP’s conviction, the framework agreement stems from the interests of both Armenia and the EU.

“The European Union wants for its neighbors to be predictable and stable,” Tevan Poghosyan added.

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