June 20
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YEREVAN. – Armenia’s opposition National Self-Determination Union (NSU) Chairman and ex-presidential candidate Paruyr Hayrikyan on Thursday submitted a message of ultimatum for President Serzh Sargsyan, and demanded him not to put the draft constitutional amendments to referendum.

“If he doesn’t [do that], everything will fall upon him,” added Hayrikyan. “This is his last chance not to enter under the heavy historical burden. The first and second presidents of Armenia also say it’s wrong to take such a step.”

The NSU leader handed his message of ultimatum to the Office of the President, and headed toward the General Prosecutor’s Office.

He told Armenian that his party will also petition to the attorney general’s office with a request to launch criminal proceedings against members of the President-affiliated Specialized Committee on Constitutional Reforms, and on charges of violating the Constitution of Armenia and abusing their power.

The National Assembly on Monday passed, by a vast majority of votes, the decision on agreeing to hold a referendum on the draft amendments to the Constitution.

The draft decision has now been forwarded for presidential approval. If approved, the respective plebiscite is expected to be conducted in December.

Pursuant to the new draft Constitution, Armenia will make a transition from a semi-presidential to a parliamentary system of governance, and completely proportional parliamentary elections.

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