June 20
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YEREVAN. – What is happening in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is a result of the current geopolitical events.

Regional Studies Center senior analyst Davit Shahnazaryan noted the aforementioned at Tuesday’s roundtable discussion on the Karabakh conflict. He stated this reflecting on the two one-sided and anti-Armenian reports that were adopted recently within the framework of PACE.

In Shahnazaryan’s words, there is a work field in this organization for Armenia.

“We [i.e. the Armenian side] have quite serious arguments under international law, to stop defending,” he stressed. “The time has come [for us] to launch some processes. We have to come up with initiatives knowing very well that they will not be accepted.”

A report, entitled “Escalation of Violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and Other Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan,” by Robert Walter (United Kingdom, EC) was approved on November 4 by the PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy.

And a report, entitled “Intentional Deprivation of Inhabitants of Azerbaijani Border Regions of Water,” by PACE’s Bosnian MP Milica Marković—and regarding Sarsang Reservoir in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic—was approved on Monday, November 23, by the PACE Committee on Social Affairs.

Both reports will be debated at the PACE winter session in January 2016.

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