June 20
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YEREVAN. - President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan held a consultation today on the socioeconomic condition of Armenia’s Ararat province. Issues on socioeconomic development were discussed at the consultations. In his speech, the President said:  

“Ararat province is famous for its agriculture. But there is work to do here too. I’m sure we must shift to modern intensive methods of farming. Ararat province has many territories which are unfit for agriculture, but the experience has shown that they can be used as modern greenhouse, as well as for farming purposes.

The issue of systemic problems is [also] very important. I mean the construction of reservoirs. Local residents told me they dreamt about its construction back in the Soviet times. Great work has been carried out, and your task is to fully implement the responsibilities which the reservoir construction imposes on the province administration.  Vedi Reservoir along with Marmarik Reservoir will become the second one which will help save the water of [Lake] Sevan. Enormous territories will get the opportunity of irrigation.”

The necessity of expanding the network of anti-hail stations and possibility of increasing their efficiency were also discussed. Corresponding financial reports were presented to the President.



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