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YEREVAN. - If the “New Armenia” Public Salvation Front struggling against the constitutional amendments in the country doesn’t manage to cancel the constitutional referendum, “New Armenia” and the Armenian National Congress (ANC) will continue the struggle after December 7 to achieve change of power. Head of the “United Opposition Headquarters” Jirayr Sefilian told the aforementioned to Armenian News –, referring to the statement by the parliamentary ANC faction secretary Aram Manukyan on that the ANC will not join the sit-in called by the “New Armenia” Public Salvation Front.

“The opposition will continue its actions through cooperation, and I see no problem here. From the very first day we had an arrangement: they have their own way, and we have ours, but in the end the two ways will come to the same point. If before December 6 we manage to achieve such a situation, in which the issue of the existence of the regime is near collapse, they will join us. And if we don’t manage before December 6, we will continue the struggle together having the agenda of power change in mind,” Sefilian said.

“New Armenia” Public Salvation Front held a referendum and march yesterday. The protestors demanded cancellation of the referendum and resignation of the authorities. Two dozen participants of the “New Armenia” stayed at the Liberty Square overnight.  



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