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YEREVAN. – In December 2016, Armenia plans to attend the negotiation conference of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Sergey Avetisyan, Head of the Armenian Government-Affiliated General Department of Civil Aviation (GDCA), told the aforesaid to Armenian

Armenia plans to review its aviation agreements with nine countries.

“In 2014, we [Armenia] already were in ICAN [i.e. the ICAO Air Services Negotiation Event], and we signed agreements with dozens of countries,” informed Avetisyan. 

It is planned to sign new agreements and review the ones that are already signed.

“The old agreements, which were concluded in the [19]90s, need to be made in line with current realities,” explained the Armenian GDCA chief.

At present, the National Assembly of Armenia is considering a new aviation communication agreement with the United Arab Emirates.

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