June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. - Ahead of the 25th anniversary of the armed forces of Armenia, a telebridge was held on Wednesday between the Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan and Armenian servicemen carrying out peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan, Kosovo and Lebanon.

The Minister congratulated the Armenian peacekeepers on the 25th anniversary of the armed forces, wishing them secure service.

He especially stressed that the military and political leadership of Armenia highly appreciates this service, which is conscientiously carried out by Armenian troops in different corners of the world. According to him, they not only contribute to the insurance of international security but also keep high the authority of Armenia and its army.

The Armenian peacekeepers, for their part, greeted the Defense Minster, assuring that there are no problematic issues related to their service and that the Armenian troops are carrying out the mission, which they have taken upon with dignity. 

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