July 27
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YEREVAN. – The increase in the price of the Russian natural gas being sold to Armenia was made within the framework of the scheme drawn by former Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan, according to Zhamanak (Time) newspaper.

“It is not a secret that Karapetyan has connections at [the Russian] RusGazard [natural gas company], and the gas [price] increase [in Armenia] was made to conceal the plundering which Karapetyan made in the past.  

“According to energy experts, if the gas price [in Armenia] had not gone up, there was a real chance of lowering it by 15 [US] dollars; albeit with [some] other calculations, it could have been done by a calculation of up to 30 dollars per one thousand cubic meters.

“By convincing the Russians to increase the gas tariff [in Armenia], Karapetyan has been able to completely neutralize the possibility of selling the gas to [the country’s] consumers [for a] cheaper [price],” Zhamanak wrote.

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