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Chief of Police of Armenia Valeriy Osipyan received today President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police Paul Cell, Executive Director of the Association Vince Hawks and honorary partner, Director of Global Policing Initiative Matthew Torigiani.

Greeting the guests, Valeriy Osipyan presented the reforms that the Police of Armenia have been implementing this past year and emphasized that the primary objective is to extirpate systemic corruption. It was mentioned that changes have been made within all subdivisions (police troops now perform the function of border guards and perform on-duty service, the actions of road police officers are aimed at making systemic changes, measures are being taken to strengthen and improve the community police institution).

Expressing gratitude for the cordial reception, Paul Cell presented the tasks and functions of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, which has representations in 164 countries around the world.

Valeriy Osipyan noted that there is unprecedented public confidence in the police of Armenia and that the deepening of cooperation and further exchange of experience with international partners is important in terms of strengthening the confidence and making this irreversible.

Paul Cell mentioned the high level of safety in Yerevan and positively assessed the effective activities of police officers amid the large number of tourists and the level of safety of guests.

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