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The revised package of drafts of the laws “On making amendments and supplements to the Constitutional Law “Judicial Code” and the Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court” and of related laws has been forwarded to the Government of Armenia.

The Ministry of Justice reported that several amendments have been made based on the recommendations made during public consideration of the revised laws, and in particular, the regulation for early retirement of members of the Constitutional Court has been specified. Basically, if a member of the Constitutional Court is appointed before entry into force of Chapter 7 of the Constitution, the member will receive pension in the amount of the official rate and premium that he or she has received at the moment of resignation, starting from the moment of termination of powers and ending with attainment of the retirement age prescribed for him or her by the Constitution.

The requirement of suspension of the powers of a judge of the Constitutional Court in case of institution of criminal prosecution has been deleted from the revised version of the draft.

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