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YEREVAN. – The National Security Service (NSS) issued a third statement Sunday regarding the criminal cases involving opposition Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) leader, MP, and business tycoon Gagik Tsarukyan.

Accordingly, the NSS investigation revealed that the officials of Arinj community—where Tsarukyan resides—of Kotayk Province had unlawfully leased 7.5 hectares of agricultural land and alienated it to a company. After that, this land was recognized as the property of this company, but without providing the necessary information about it to the Cadastre Committee.

As a result, 339,300,000 drams were not transferred to the community budget, causing considerable damage to the legitimate interests of the community and the state, which caused serious consequences.

A criminal case has been filed in connection with the incident.

The investigation continues.

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