July 27
Show news feed

The Electoral Rights Watch organization today found out that during the campaign meeting that Civil Contract Party’s candidate for premier Nikol Pashinyan was holding in the city of Yeghegnadzor today, red beret police officers barged into the headquarters of “Armenia” bloc (the bloc is running in the snap parliamentary elections set for June 20) located near the venue for the meeting and demanded that they stop taping Pashinyan’s meeting with a small crowd, and demanded that the people standing near the headquarters to go inside. The organization has issued a statement that particularly reads as follows:

“Five citizens who failed to comply with the unlawful and groundless demand were apprehended on the ground of “failing to comply with the lawful demand” of the police.

The Electoral Rights Watch organization records that the actions of the Police of Armenia blatantly pursued political goals and had nothing to do with the legitimate functions of the institution.”

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