June 20
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After the political revolution, the main task of the government will be to implement the economic revolution, not by encouraging poverty, as it was under the previous government, but by encouraging work, Acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said today at a press conference that lasted for more than three hours.

In response to a journalist's question he noted, that the structure of the government will change, the number of ministries may be reduced from 17 to 12.

The government’s activity should be assessed according to the tasks set, Nikol Pashinyan said.

The biggest achievement of the government in the economic sphere over the past six months, according to Pashinyan, was the elimination of monopolies, and Pashinyan called the situation around the mining sector the biggest failure of his government. Pashinyan did not specify whose work in the government he was satisfied with in recent months, and whose - not.

“After the revolution, the experts were extremely pessimistic that everything was crumbling, everything was gone. But I think the government's work in this direction is effective. The government was assigned a task and accomplished it. We presented a five-year program in June, and the government has fulfilled its commitment in this regard. ”

In this context, Nikol Pashinyan noted: this does not mean that he is satisfied with his work.

“I will not be satisfied with my work at any stage of my life, but what does it mean: the Minister of Transport said “February 31,” imagine, wow-wow…

Does anyone have any proof that the minister doesn't know that there are no 31 days in February? Do they know what kind of education this person has?

They create fake accounts, they say: the Minister of Education wrote with mistakes. They edit it with Photoshop, do they imagine who they are talking about? A person who holds a PHD.

Why did the campaign against Arsen Torosyan start? For a very simple reason: because Torosyan dared to encroach on the holy of holies of the previous government.

Does anyone dare to do this with Mikayel Minasyan's family? He owns several media outlets that are known to all. It’s clear what’s happening against Arsen Torosyan,” said Nikol Pashinyan.

He stated that they would not allow fake social media pages to shape public opinion.

“We will not allow this. Because we are confident that with 1000 of your media outlets, we will crush all your fakes with our one truth,” Pashinyan said.
