July 27
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The grape harvest continues in the Amaras valley of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

A video report by Artsakh Public Television notes, however, that this work was carried out with interruptions due to the provocations by the adversary.

"In recent days, the Azerbaijani soldiers had advanced and positioned themselves in this direction, a few hundred meters away from the vineyard. [But] with the intervention of Russian peacekeepers, the adversary vacated its position, and the harvest has resumed again in the orchards," the video report informs.

The vineyard where the harvest is taking place is located between the adversary and the Armenian positions.

Ignoring the proximity to the inimical outpost, the grape harvesters continue their work—not only to bring the harvest home, but, also, they consider it a matter of honor to show to the adversary that they will never give up their ancestral lands.

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