July 27
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The military exercises of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) of Iran in the northwest of the country, on the border with Azerbaijan, are a "decisive response" to Israel, a member of the Iranian parliament said in an interview with the Iranian state news agency IRNA.

According to Mohammad Safai, the aforesaid military drills were a response to the Israeli influence in Azerbaijan and Central Asia, as well as to some "conspiracy" plans against Iran.

Reflecting on the presence of Israel in Azerbaijan, the Iranian MP said. "The Zionists seek to undermine the influence of the Islamic Republic [of Iran] in Central Asia. But they will never succeed."

He emphasized that Iran will not accept any change of international borders in the South Caucasus.

"The change of borders contradicts the interests of the Islamic Republic [of Iran]. Therefore, the Islamic Republic is categorically against this change. The message to the ill-wishers is that any action that harms the interests of the Islamic Republic will cost them dearly," Safai said.

The IRGC ground forces have conducted large-scale military exercises in the northwestern borders of Iran—and with the engagement of several units.

During the drills, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps developed a plan to build a bridge over the Araks River—on the border with Azerbaijan.

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