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A large number of ethnic and religious groups are concentrated in the part of Turkey where the earthquake occurred, Turkologist Tiran Lokmagyozyan told

At the same time, as the expert explained, these groups are extremely heterogeneous. We can add to this the tense situation caused by the earthquake.

Germany, Austria and Israel have withdrawn their rescuers from Turkey, citing a serious security threat.

We may be talking about looting and the threat of weapons. 

"Carrying weapons among citizens in these areas may be commonplace. And if countries such as Germany, Austria, and Israel have withdrawn their rescuers, so should Armenia," Lokmagezian added.

He believes that forces inside and outside the country may try to take advantage of the situation and "sway" the country. That is, the existing threat in Turkey can develop into political actions. 

A strong earthquake of magnitude 7.8 occurred in southeastern Turkey on February 6. Tens of thousands of people in Turkey and Syria became victims of natural disasters. Armenian rescuers also work in the disaster zone. In addition, the Armenian authorities have sent humanitarian aid, which, incidentally, is also needed by the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, blockaded by Turkey's staunch ally Azerbaijan.

Aram Danielyan

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