July 27
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The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, has accused Armenia of not fulfilling the trilateral statement of November 9, 2022 due to not opening the "Zangezur Corridor." Aliyev has distorted the aforesaid international document to such an extent in Turkish capital Ankara, where he is participating in the summit of the Organization of Turkic States.

"Although Armenia has recognized the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan in Prague and Sochi in 2022, it has not yet completely withdrawn its troops from the territories [i.e., Nagorno-Karabakh] of Azerbaijan. Armenian illegal units and criminal elements remain in Karabakh. Thus, Armenia grossly violates the statement signed on November 10, 2020, and must bear accountability for it," Aliyev said.

To note, the absurdity of the situation is not even the fact that the aforesaid trilateral statement does not in any way imply the existence of a "Zangezur corridor," but the fact that Aliyev, in a fit of sincerity, has admitted this himself in a television interview.

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