June 20
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A tax, in the amount of one million drams (approx. US$2,500), will be set in Armenia for online taxis. Deputy minister of territorial administration and infrastructure Armen Simonyan told reporters about this on Tuesday, as he presented the legislative package on amendments to the Law on State Tax and related laws.

According to him, these taxes will be imposed as of September 2024.

Tax will be charged for each online taxi order. Accordingly, in the case of non-cash payment, it will be 1.5% (4% as of 2026), and in the case of cash—2% (5% as of 2026).

Simonyan noted that non-cash payments will enable to make the circulation of online taxi service in Armenia more transparent.

"According to various estimates, about 80,000 person have registered on online platforms to carry out passenger transportation, of which only 25-30 thousand are engaged in active transportations," added the Armenian official.

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