June 11
Show news feed

Paleontologists in the US states of Kentucky and Alabama have discovered fossils belonging to three new ancient shark species, Popular Science reported.

These long-dead predatory fish lived during a time when the region was covered by a shallow sub-tropical sea and a waterways that connected ancient land masses older than Pangea.

One of the new sharks is the species Palaeohypotodus bizzocoi, and it is described in a study published

Palaeohypotodus translates to “ancient small-eared tooth,” and it had small needle-like fangs on the sides of the teeth.

Upon investigating the teeth, paleontologists found that it lived roughly 65 million years ago, during the Paleocene Epoch. This is just after the dinosaurs began to die out and more than 75 percent of life on Earth went extinct.

And in February, paleontologists from Mammoth Cave National Park announced the discovery of two new species of ancient shark.

According to the National Park Service, Troglocladodus trimblei and Glikmanius careforum, were identified by fossils collected in deposits from Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and northern Alabama. Both of these shark species lived about 325 million years ago and are ctenacanths, an extinct genus of cartilaginous fishes. These ancient cousins of modern sharks all had barbs on their spines used for defense.

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