June 20
Show news feed

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine is capable of winning, but it does not depend on it alone, and the situation in Avdiivka confirms this.

"Unfortunately, keeping Ukraine in an artificial deficit of weapons, in particular, a deficit of artillery and long-range defeat means allows the way to adapt to the intensity of hostilities. This weakening of democracy undermines our overall capability. The longer this Russian aggression continues, the greater the changes it provokes. People may have to live in a world where localized wars will not remain localized. Any outbreak of war will carry the risks of turning into a global catastrophe," he said, reports Unian.

Earlier, the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi decided to withdraw units from Avdeevka.

Zelensky also noted that Europe is now on the threshold of the time when the question of the application of Article 5 of the NATO Charter will not be a question for Washington, but will be a question for European capitals.

The Ukrainian president said that Putin has only two possible endings - "a tribunal in The Hague or being killed by one of those who are now killing for him."

He added that 2024 is critical and "if we don't act now, Putin could make the next years catastrophic for the global community."

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