July 27
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The direction and policy adopted by Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan will not bring peace. Opposition MP Artur Khachatryan on Monday told this to reporters in the National Assembly of Armenia

He noted that, on the contrary, if Pashinyan says that the environment is aggressive, we should make unilateral concessions, this aggressive environment will eat itself and disappear, and there will be no restrictions.

"Especially in such aggressive conditions, you must be able to ensure your territorial integrity and sovereignty. It can be through a combat-ready army, flexible diplomacy, stable economy," said Khachatryan.

According to the opposition lawmaker, Pashinyan is attempting to show that the peace agenda is viable and that he is still negotiating. But in reality, under these conditions, if he does not change the negotiation policy, state policy and philosophy, he will not achieve anything good.

"During the session of the government [Cabinet] on February 15, Pashinyan simply blackmailed the people: ‘if I suddenly fight, instead of four, I may lose more people.’ It is simple blackmail, it is a threat, it is one of the manifestations of Pashinyan's policy to break the spirit of the people," said Artur Khachatchyan.

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