July 27
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Yes, there were shots at the border, windows were broken, we will repair the windows and do everything to ensure that such shots can be evaluated, even at the level of EU monitors, to ensure that there will b no shots. Andranik Kocharyan, an MP from the ruling majority Civil Contract Faction and Chair of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security of the National Assembly (NA) of Armenia, told this to reporters at the NA Monday—and referring to the recent shootings by Azerbaijan

To the question whether such actions of Azerbaijan are obstructing the peace process, Kocharyan responded that the obstructers are also from within Armenia.

According to him, now the shootings are sporadic, pointless, and aimless. He emphasized, however, that if necessary, the Armenian side will respond to the adversary.

"These are hysterical manifestations. Perhaps those standing on the other side decided to fire sporadically in the direction of our residence that day. It has happened a lot, it has nothing to do with the April 5 meeting [in Brussels between Armenia, the EU, and the US]," said Kocharyan.

According to him, there is no risk of escalation of tension with Azerbaijan.

"No, I don't see [it] yet. When we see [it], we will go to full defense," he said.

And when asked whether these actions of Azerbaijan are the signature of a country going for peace, Andranik Kocharyan said: "I don't see signature. There obstructers are more, and it’s not only Azerbaijan. You can find obstructers also within the country [i.e. Armenia]."

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