July 27
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Yesterday, statements were made that the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia proposed to start border delimitation from Tavush; I think it is an outright lie. Seyran Ohanyan, head of the opposition Armenia Faction of the National Assembly (NA) and former defense minister of Armenia, told this to reporters at the NA Tuesday.

"Because border delimitation is carried out first by the military-political leadership of the state. They should understand that the level of our defense, engineering equipment in Tavush Province is quite high, and over the years they have been formed to carry out the security of Tavush.

Those [four Tavush] villages [in question] are Armenian, they are under our control. At the same time, quite a few territories in that area are under the control of Azerbaijan. To say that these are Azerbaijani settlements, when Azerbaijan has occupied around 200 square kilometers in the territories of Armenia today, speaks about the fact that our authorities do not understand what border delimitation and demarcation is and are making unilateral concessions," added Ohanyan.

In his assessment, it is also worrying to carry out partial border delimitation and demarcation because that is a one-sided demand by Azerbaijan.

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