July 27
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Hraparak daily of Armenia writes as follows, in particular: Yesterday, at the urgent session called by the parliamentary opposition regarding border delimitation and demarcation between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which was held behind closed doors, the [ruling majority] CC [(Civil Contract) faction] members resorted to petty trickery, trying to save the speakers representing the government, Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan. 1.5 hours were allocated for the closed session according to the NA regulation law. At the beginning of the session, according to the procedure, the initiators of the session should present their draft, after which the question-and-answer session will begin, and then listen to the representatives of the relevant department.

[MP] Artur Khachatryan was the reporter of the opposition draft. As soon as the session started, dozens of CC members registered to ask questions to the opposition speaker, hoping that they would thus exhaust the agenda, and Ararat Mirzoyan and Mher Grigoryan would not have time to present the authorities’ position. However, the [parliamentary] opposition members were upset by this and demanded to use the 30 minutes of the break, even though they quickly realized that the speakers came to say in the spirit of [PM Nikol] Pashinyan's statements, "If we don't give land, Azerbaijan will start a war."

In contrast to Mher Grigoryan, who, while presenting the border delimitation process, did not make crying, threatening statements, stressing that negotiations are underway, Ararat Mirzoyan said in an almost plain text: we should not reject Azerbaijan, we do not have the resources to reject, otherwise there will be a war.

He was in a very bad mood, while speaking he raised his voice at the [parliamentary] opposition members, but he was urged to change his tone, in response to which he admitted that he was tense; relations with Azerbaijan are not working anyway [on the one hand], and the [parliamentary] opposition members’ accusations on the other hand.

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