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YEREVAN.- The OSCE/ODIHR observers started monitoring activities in Armenia, head of mission Heidi Tagliavini told reporters in Yerevan on Friday.

She said the mission consists of 13 international experts from OSCE member states. In addition, 24 long-term observers will arrive in Armenia in the near future, while 250 short-term observers will be deployed throughout the country.

The mission will monitor campaign activities, media coverage and the resolution of election-related disputes. The European observers will focus on presidential election’s compliance with democratic standards, Armenia’s commitments and domestic legislation.

The observers will stay in Armenia after the election to monitor post-election processes. In case of runoff, the observers will stay in the country, while final report will be issued approximately eight weeks after the end of the observation mission.

Heidi Tagliavini stressed they are interested in democratic electoral process, not election results. The mission is here to observe, not criticize or impel someone, she added.

The observation mission is guided by the same standards in all the countries, Tagliavini noted.

She also informed about the meetings with Foreign Minister and head of the Central Electoral Commission, planned meetings with the candidates, representatives of the political parties, media and civil society.





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