June 05
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The present atmosphere in the army is most dangerous for Armenia in the context of Azerbaijan’s possible aggression, Levon Zurabyan, Office Coordinator, Armenian National Congress (ANC), told journalists on October 12. “When army generals drive U.S. $100,000 worth Jeeps, in take bribes and amass fortunes, the army cannot be healthy,” he said.

According to Zurabyan, the recent developments in the Armenian army are evidence of its corruption. The country’s economic state affects the army as well. “Corruption is the main cause of the socio-economic crisis in the country. The following actually happened in the Armenia: a gang usurped power and is using it for enriching the powers that be. If we analyze the decisions of the Central Bank of Armenia, we can see they lack logic and stimulation of economy. Exports are four times less than imports now, but the authorities continue artificial dram revaluation practice. This means that either fools in the government do not have elementary economic knowledge or they are clever enough to use their knowledge in the interests of oligarch importers,” Zurabyan said.

A glaring example is, according to him, Gagik Khachatryan, Chairman of the State Revenue Committee. “A person supposed to create free and equal conditions for businessmen is one of the biggest businessmen, abusing his office for personal enrichment. Numerous other examples can be cited,” Zurabyan said.

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