June 05
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Medvedev’s aspiration to bring together the Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders at the negotiating table testifies to Moscow’s desire to underline its leading role in the peace process. Nevertheless, no breakthrough is expected, expert for Central Asia Arkadiy Dubnov said in an interview with RFE/RL.

“I think that this time possible meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents at Lisbon NATO summit will be discussed. Medvedev’s aim is to gather the parties at the negotiating table and indicate possible progress,” he said.

As to resumption of hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Dubnov considers theoretically it is possible.

The expert deems that it is not a good time for progress in the Karabakh peace process. “First,   Armenian leadership has certain domestic political problems. Secondly, Armenian side more frequently voices warlike statements in response to those by Azerbaijan,” he added.

He recalled that Azerbaijan has recently stated that present Armenia is located in the ancient Azerbaijani territories. Serzh Sargsyan’s reply was rather tough with reference to historic data.

“Following this Azerbaijani side immediately stopped making statements but there is still aftertaste. I hardly understand how this atmosphere might not hamper creation of a good platform for resumption of talks,” the expert concluded.

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