June 05
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Governor should be a leader of region, share concerns and represent regional interests in the governmental structures, said Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.

President Sargsyan convened a meeting with participation of the Armenian governors and Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan.“You must show a good example,” he said.

President Sargsyan stressed that the lion’s share of all concerns, social problems in the country is concentrated in the provinces. Serzh Sargsyan noted that new problems, such as increasing prices and difficult situation in world markets, arise. Therefore, the government should not leave farmers and businessmen alone.

“We must do everything to make this year a turning point in our economy in general and agriculture in particular,” the Armenian leader noted. According to him, some additional funds were allocated to the regions this year.

“We will work quietly. Excuses why we failed do something are not accepted. People do not need reasons, they want result,” he said, adding the next meeting is scheduled for autumn.

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