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YEREVAN. – The activities of Armenia’s prefectures are likewise paralyzed during the current parliamentary election campaign days, Hraparak daily writes.  

“There are [the ruling coalition’s Republican Party of Armenia] RPA [election] headquarters in the prefectures, and the employees primarily are busy, not with their real duties, but rather with resolving a variety of matters, to secure votes for the Party.   

[And] Because of this ‘humanistic’ mission, those citizens who have documentation matters in any prefecture are suffering. They are forced to wait for hours for a seal, or a signature of a department chief, because the civic elite are busy with carrying out the requirements of the election headquarters.        

Incidentally, all offices of the prefectures are filled with citizens during these campaign days. The residents of the communities are rushing in to resolve all of their household issues prior to the election,” Hraparak writes.

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