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YEREVAN. – Samvel Farmanyan, the MP candidate nominated by the ruling coalition’s Republican Party of Armenia at capital Yerevan’s Constituency No. 2, is content with the overall parliamentary election campaign so far being carried out at the Constituency. He wrote this in his Facebook account.

But Farmanyan expressed regret that his opponent at the Constituency, namely, the opposition bloc Armenian National Congress representative Vladimir Karapetyan, had not accepted his proposal to watch together the Champions League football semifinals, and on the grounds that their scheduled television debate was more indispensable. 

“I am certainly far from the thought that Mr. Karapetyan inaccurately perceived the  meaning of my proposal, which was not to replace the idea of a television debate, but rather to complement and enhance it. I repeat that I have given my consent to be hosted [for a debate] on live television broadcast on April 26 with my opponent, [and] as candidates nominated in Constituency No. 2,” Samvel Farmanyan noted.

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