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YEREVAN. – Tigran Seyranyan, Armenia’s Ambassador to the Czech Republic, attended, on Sunday in Jihlava city, an event organized by the Urartu Armenian-Czech Association and devoted to 97th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.  

The Ambassador as well as the aforesaid Association’s President Alexander Sargsyan laid wreathes to the cross-stone erected in the city. Also, those present stood a minute of silence in memory of the Genocide victims, MFA informed Armenian   

Afterwards, a church requiem mass was offered, during which Ambassador Seyranyan and Alexander Sargsyan addressed the participants.  

The commemorative event continued with a photo exhibition set up around the church and the cross-stone. 

At the end, the Urartu Armenian-Czech Association’s film dedicated to the Genocide’s 97th anniversary was screened.

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