June 20
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STRASBOURG. - Using the word democracy when speaking about Azerbaijan will be a great luxury, Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) MP and Armenian delegation member Naira Zohrabyan said in the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe.

The PACE has just completed discussions, where Zohrabyan voiced about lots of cases of ceasefire violations by Azerbaijan, which claimed three servicemen's lives, the MP told Armenian

"The word democracy is a luxury for our neighbor," the MP said.

Azerbaijani delegation member Rafael Huseynov attempted to counter response to Zohrabyan by blaming the Armenian side for the ceasefire violation cases. He threatened that war risk is great. Armenian and Azerbaijani opportunities are incomparable, Armenia's budget is very vulnerable and the real war threat is great.

On hearing the sides, the PACE President Jean-Claude Mignon realized that delegation heads should meet again and discuss the cooperation ways, in particular on Nagorno-Karabakh issue sub-committee.

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