June 20
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Well-known Russian-Armenian businessman Levon Hayrapetyan’s legal defense has appealed the court decision on his arrest, Hayrapetyan’s attorney Ruben Margaryan has stated.

“We ask the Moscow Municipal Court to revoke the Basman Court’s ruling on the arrest [of Hayrapetyan] as an unlawful and unfounded decision, and to select a restraining order that has noting to do with arrest,” ITAR-TASS news agency of Russia quoted Margaryan as saying.   

Formal charges are expected to be brought against Hayrapetyan on Thursday. 

The Basman Court of Moscow had set arrest until September 15 as the Russian-Armenian businessman’s restraining order.  

Levon Hayrapetyan, 65, was detained in a Moscow airport on July 15. The Russian Federation Investigation Committee has brought two criminal charges against him; the charges are prodigality and legalization of illicit income. Hayrapetyan, however, pleads innocent.

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