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Armenia, unlike Azerbaijan, has reaffirmed its commitment to the precepts of international law.

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian stated the aforementioned during his address at the meeting of the FMs of the European Union (EU) and Eastern Partnership countries.  

The event was held Tuesday in the Belgian capital city Brussels. 

Nalbandian also expressed regret by the absence of Azerbaijan’s political will, which is manifested by this country’s continued rejection of all proposals by the mediators. 

“We [the Armenian side] fully agree that people need to be prepared for peace, not war. Unfortunately, Azerbaijan is doing just the opposite, which results in tension and aggravation of the situation in the region. 

“We also highly assess the EU’s support to the efforts by the [OSCE] Minsk Group co-chairs, which are aimed at the peaceful settlement of the [Nagorno-Karabakh] issue,” Edward Nalbandian added, in particular.

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