June 20
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The Armenian, Russian, and Azerbaijani presidents’ recent trilateral meeting in Sochi, Russia, proved that if Azerbaijan will force us to a war, we will defend our homeland, our borders, and we will triumph.

Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan stated the aforesaid Monday, during his conversation with the youth, after the official opening of the Baze (Falcon) 2014 pan-Armenian youth gathering.

“To our joy, the fired shots have reduced in recent days. We, the [Armenian] authorities, are doing everything to avoid a conflict. But if they force a war upon us, we will defend our homeland and prevail. It seems this was proved during the presidents’ meeting in Sochi. Our president was pleased because had confidence in our army; our achievements are apparent,” the PM said.

In Abrahamyan’s words, there is a depression in the Azerbaijan army, and the Azerbaijanis themselves are to blame for this fact.

“They provoke us into a war which will not give anything good to them. And, in practice, they’ve been convinced already once that they cannot achieve any success. Those bellicose statements and that Armenian-hatred that they preach in entire Azerbaijan will lead to their destruction,” Hovik Abrahamyan noted.

In the Armenian PM’s words, the Armenian nation’s security starts in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Artsakh), and the Armenian government will do everything to make Artsakh more secure.

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