June 20
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The closing ceremony of the eight—and final—phase in the Diaspora Ministry’s Come Home 2014 motherland visiting program for the Diaspora-Armenian youth was held Friday at the Come Home Camp in Tsaghkadzor city.

A total of 45 Armenian youngsters and teenagers from ten countries took part in the eighth phase of this year’s program.

The Come Home 2014 program was held in eight phases, from June 16 to August 30, and a total of 1,071 Armenian boys and girls—between the ages of 13 and 18—from 35 countries participated in this program.

During the nine-day program, the participants visited the well-known sights of Armenia, met with the state, public and cultural figures of the country, took lessons on homeland studies, and learned Armenian national dances and songs. At the end of the program, they camped for four days in Armenia’s resort city of Tsaghkadzor.

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