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YEREVAN. – The “Countries under One Roof” festival, which comprises an exhibition and a conference, has kicked off in Armenia’s capital city Yerevan, and for the fifth consecutive year.

This year’s two-day exhibition will bring together more than thirty countries represented by ninety organizations, which will introduce their products as well as national culture, cuisine, and traditions.

“Dozens of businessmen have arrived in Yerevan from a variety of countries. We will try to help them in getting familiarized, interacting, establishing business and cultural ties, and in other social initiatives.

“We thank all the participants of the festival, including the diplomatic facilities,” said Mariam Manukyan, President of the International Business Relations Support Center NGO.

Following the two-day exhibition, numerous business meetings are planned within the framework of the festival, and the results will be announced during the festival’s closing ceremony on September 22.


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