June 20
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YEREVAN. - An unusual scandal occurred in Armenia involving disagreement between the sperm donor and his ex-girlfriend, Armenian News - reports.

A local reproductive health center refused to complete artificial insemination process and to place embryos in the womb of a surrogate mother. According to a 33-year-old Yerevan resident, who refused to publish her name, and who applied for a service in local reproductive health center, she decided to have a child but due to medical issues, the process had to be completed by artificial insemination and with a surrogate mother. The sperm donor was her former boyfriend, who initially gave his consent, however, after they separated, he demanded that the reproductive health center stop the process.

“In October, the artificial insemination occurred and eight healthy embryos were obtained, which were stored in cryo-freezer and afterwards should be placed in the womb of the surrogate mother,” she told Armenian News -

According to biological mother, the center refused to complete the process as the sperm donor, who previously signed an agreement, demanded that the process must be stopped. The sperm donor applied to the court and has been granted a court order to stop process until the court decision.

“How could they arrest the embryos, it’s like arrest of child, the child is not, after all, the object,” said the woman.

The problem, according to her, is that the embryos can be stored in cryo-freezer for only six months, and while two months have already passed, the court rejected the motion for expedited hearing, which means that embryos may die. At the same time, the woman refused to complete the process using the sperm of another donor, as was offered by the reproductive health center.

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