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YEREVAN. – Turkey, whether or not it wants to, will have to recognize the Armenian Genocide one day.

Head of the Armenian Studies Program at the California State University, Northridge (CSUN), Professor Vahram Shemmassian, noted the aforesaid at a press conference on Friday.

And commenting on the forthcoming church mass which Pope Francis will celebrate in memory of the Armenian Genocide victims, the professor noted that this decision by the Vatican will have great significance.

“Of course, the Pope is a spiritual leader, but his every word and statement has political importance,” Shemmassian added.

In his words, this church mass will cause quite a stir and also be a slap to Turkey.

“According to recent surveys, nine percent of Turks recognize the Armenian Genocide; this is small, but even this didn’t exist fifteen years ago,” Vahram Shemmassian concluded.

On Sunday, Pope Francis will celebrate a mass at the St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, and devoted to the Armenian Genocide Centennial.

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