June 20
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STEPANAKERT. – President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan accompanied by top officials of the republic visited the memorial complex of the capital and participated in the opening ceremony of the Memorial Belfry devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

In his speech President Sahakyan remarked that on that day worldwide Armenians and civilized mankind focused their attention on the Armenian Genocide - the most tragic and darkest chapter of the Armenian history, adding that all the Armenians, whatever part of the globe they were, deemed as their duty to pay tribute to the memory of innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide, NKR president's press service reported.

According to the President the enemy did not intend to satisfy with the extermination of Western Armenia and had a goal to complete the Armenocide, dooming Eastern Armenia to the same fate.

Bako Sahakyan specified that denial of such crimes, avoiding responsibility and showing indifference generated new disasters, and the fact that the international community did not immediately recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide had led to new genocides in different regions of the globe.

“Inspired by the example of Turkey and encouraged with the prospect of remaining unpunished Azerbaijan also committed genocide against the Armenian people in Baku, Sumgait, Kirovabad and various parts of Artsakh. However, the enemy did not succeed in realizing this appalling task. The entire Armenian nation united, our independent statehood was restored, the national army was formed, and the aggressor suffered a crushing defeat. The Karabagh movement, our national-liberation struggle and the victory became a peculiar verdict against a genocidal state and its inhumane policy,” said President Sahakyan.

The Head of the State expressed confidence that the memorial would become а pilgrimage center, where every visitor would have deep and cherished feelings, live through the pain of our people, at the same time filling with hope and faith. Bako Sahakyan pointed out that sooner or later the Armenian Genocide would be recognized and condemned by the international community since such a crime could not remain unpunished forever.

“The most important guarantee for gaining ultimate victory, recognizing the Armenian Genocide and securing the future of the Armenian nation is the independent Armenian statehood, our powerful and efficient army, the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora unwavering trinity, reliance on our own strength,” stressed in his speech Artsakh Republic President.

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