June 20
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Turkey should face its history and accept it, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy said, reported Le Figaro daily of France.

To the query on whether Turkey will ever recognize the Armenian Genocide, Sarkozy responded: “I believe so. I don’t know how long it will take, but I think that common sense will prevail.”

The French ex-president also said: “Denial is not a matter of choice for me; it’s not even a view; it’s an insult and a threat. The denial of any genocide is a violation of the structure, since it undermines the fundamental values of our republic. That’s why, when I was president, I achieved the adoption of a law criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide.”

To note, however, in February 2012, this bill was annulled by the French Constitutional Council, which stated that this draft law is contrary to the right to freedom of speech. Incumbent President François Hollande, on the other hand, has pledged to introduce a new similar bill.


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