June 20
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The residents of Armenia’s border regions provide assistance to the Russian border guards in protecting the country’s state border with Turkey.

The press service of the Border Department of the Russian border protection service in Armenia informed the aforesaid in a statement.

“Last weekend, a resident of the Baghramyan settlement had reported that a herd of cattle was moving from the border of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Armenia.

“Several minutes later, a group of border guards discovered twelve cattle grazing in Armenia.

“[In addition,] one border trespasser who, as it turned out, is Republic of Turkey citizen V., born in 1999 in Ramazankert village, was found in the bushes.

“In his words, he illegally crossed the border to return to Turkey the animals that accidentally crossed the border to Armenia.

“Pursuant to the corresponding act, the minor that crossed the state border and the twelve cattle were handed over to the Turkish side,” the statement specifically reads.

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