June 20
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Vice president of the National Assembly of Armenia, Eduard Sharmazanov, on Wednesday attended, in the Hellenic Parliament, a conference entitled “Genocide: Condemnation is Mandatory.”

Such an event was organized in the parliament of Greece for the first time in history.

Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament, Zoi Konstantopoulou, delivered opening remarks at the conference. In terms of international condemnation of genocides, she underscored the need for the Armenian and Greek parliamentarians’ respective joint fight at international platforms.

Sharmazanov also delivered remarks at the event. He reiterated the need for a fight against the Turkish denial of genocides.

“Official Ankara, by denying the genocide of the Christian peoples, becomes complicit in the heinous crime committed by the Young Turks, then the Kemalists a century ago, shouldering the burden of martyrdom of millions of innocent people,” the Armenian parliament deputy chair specifically noted.

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