June 20
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YEREVAN. - “Yerevan TARAZfest,” a folk costume festival, took place for the first time in Yerevan’s Northern Avenue today. The event was organized by the Municipality of Yerevan in the framework of “Yerevan Summer 2015” program. Different national song and dance ensembles performed during the festival and exhibition of Armenian folk costumes was held. The handicrafts of a number of authors were presented in the pavilions placed in Northern Avenue. (photos)

Maria Baraghamyan, Head of Tourism Division at Yerevan Municipality, told Armenian News – that the festival day was changed because of the Pan-Armenian Games.   

“Yerevan TARAZfest” was to be held on August 2, but the Municipality extended it  to August 5, saying it was busy with the organization of the Pan-Armenian Games. Because of the cancellation of the event, a group of Japanese tourists, who had arrived to take part in the festival, returned to Japan without waiting for August 5.



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