June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. - On the eve of a new academic year, workers of Armenian fairs are complaining of the small number of customers. Although the prices of goods have been lowered, this has had no impact on the trade; almost nobody buys anything during the day, the workers of one of Yerevan’s fairs told Armenian News -

According to Yerevan’s Firdous fair worker Ofelya Avagyan, their fair is mainly visited by the citizens who are not well-off. Consequently, the drop in the buying power is becoming more evident.

“We are standing all day long, and can’t sell even several items. In comparison with last year, almost no trade is going on. People have become very poor. We even often lower the price of our goods seeing poor parents with children,” she said, adding that 50,000 AMD is enough for buying clothes and stationery from their fair.

Yerevan citizen Ani, who had come to the fair to buy clothes and stationery for her two children, said that everything has become expensive this year, this making it difficult to prepare for a new academic year.



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