June 20
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Turkey will not create blocs in the Middle East, with Azerbaijan, Iran or any other country, as it is unreasonable and nondurable, Orhan Cekic, Maltepe University professor, told in an interview with Novosti Azerbaijan news agency.

According to him, in 2004 Armenians appealed to the European Court of Human Rights and filed a lawsuit demanding a loan from Turkey for the Genocide, but were rejected. If Turkey was guilty, the world would blame it, the expert considers. Recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the parliaments of various countries has no legal effect, it is just a show, he noted.

Orhan Cekic also stressed that Turkey has military cooperation with Israel but simultaneously the authorities point out Israel’s cruelty towards Palestinians. He deems that Ankara is ready to mediation but should not interfere with each problem that occurs in the Middle East. “U.S. cannot rest only on Israel in the Middle East. There is no real democracy in any regional country, except for Turkey,” Cekic said.  




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